Program Benefits:
- Generate new, loyal customer base
- Business promotion through the following resources:
- Program Web page
- SFBikeMapper
- San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
- SFBC Blog
- Blog is also featured on
- Multiple emails sent directly to 20,000 local cyclists
- Promotional flyers at Sunday Streets
- Emails to Bay Area bike team and club members
- Online event calendars
- Earned media
- Free up vehicle parking space near business
- Determine a discount (target of 10% discount/reward value). Examples: 10% off purchase; Buy-One-Get-One-Free; free dessert with purchase of entrée; $2 Taco Tuesdays; or certain days of the week or certain hours of the day.
- Submit all Program Participation Informaiton (details below)by the submission date for your neighborhood.
- Post the I Bike SF sign in your window so bicyclists know where to frequent.
- Share the program details with your employees and reward bicyclists who present their helmet or bike lock key.
- Track your discounted sales. Examples: preprogrammed button for register, tally near register or collect tallies from employees, document perceived number of biking patrons per day or shift
Participation Information
Please submit the following information to Mari Hunter at or (fax) 415.554.6061
Business Information
Business Name:
Mailing Address:
Physical Address (if different):
Type of Business:
Contact Information
Name and Title:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Discount Information
Discount Description (10 words or fewer):
Discount Sales Tracking Method:
By completing and submitting this form you agree to participate in I Bike SF by offering the discount described above for the month selected for your neighborhood to patrons who have ridden their bikes. If at any time you are unable to continue participating in I Bike SF you will contact the program organizer immediately to have your business removed from the list(s) of participating businesses and remove the I Bike SF sign(s) and any other program promotional items from my place of business.